Feri’s Gang (Zimmer Feri)
Titre russe : Комната Фери
Titre original : Zimmer Feri
Titres alternatifs :
Фери Циммер
Comédie – La Hongrie
Année de production : 1997
Durée du film : 97 minutes
Réalisateur : Péter Tímár
Livre : Péter Tímár
Caméra : Péter Szatmári
Musique : Gábor Madarász, Gábor Závody
Zimmer Feri
Description du film :
The title of this Hungarian comedy is a pun on German »Zimmer Frei« (room for rent). Near-broke and desperate, Hungarian entrepreneur Feri decides to put a sleazy spin on tourism. After leasing a Lake Balaton boarding house, he moves in his gang – wife, nephew, daughter, and the daughter’s boyfriend – and then sets out to scam unsuspecting German tourists.

Ferenc Fikász, a fifty-year-old entrepreneur, knee-deep in debts, rents out a summer resort at Lake Balaton. He hopes to pay up by fall, and make a quick buck, thus creating family and personal fortune. For him it is a given that there are no rules to this game: overpriced rooms, watered-down beer, tainted meat, re-used coffee and so on. Obviously, no receipt. Fikász is the type who views market economy as a highway toward wealth with no moral speed limit. He only trusts his family, although not always. His wife, daughter, son-in-law and a black kitchen aid – a black market merchandise – make up the »con crew«. They are soon assisted by a 12-year-old relative. This guy is named Peti ... his mother let her sister, Mrs. Fikász, take care of him for the summer. Naturally, the profit oriented gang hires Peti right away ...
Starring Peti shows a grotesque world, literally imbeciled by profit making. Viewers also adopt Ferenc Fikász’s »honest« but already suspicious point of view, thus following him in a desperate struggle all the way to his predictable fall.
Garçons acteurs
Attila Bíró
(Peti, 12 ans)
Plus d’informations
Ce film a été enregistré dans la liste des films par Franz-Josef !
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