Die Mädels vom Immenhof
Original title: Die Mädels vom Immenhof
Family comedy – FRG
Production year: 1955
Movie length: 87 minutes
Director: Wolfgang Schleif
Writer: Erich Ebermayer, Peer Baedecker, Hansi Kessler
Cinematograph: Oskar Schnirch
Music: Norbert Schultze
Die Mädels vom Immenhof
Movie description:
Original-Blu-Ray The story is set in 1954. After their flight from East Prussia following WW II, the orphaned sisters Angela, Barbara (Dick) and Brigitte (Dalli) have settled with their grandmother Jantzen near Eutin in Schleswig-Holstein. The Jantzens have been owning the 18th century manor house »Immenhof« for over a hundred years, breeding and selling ponies. Only recently, Jochen von Roth has returned from POW camp and is now trying to establish a stud farm in the old forester’s house about five kilometers from the manor house. Both Oma Jantzen and von Roth are struggling with finances. Owing to debt, Jantzen may have to face the auctioning off of all her possessions. Into this situation arrives Ethelbert, the sisters’ posh cousin from the big city (we never learn which). He is making quite a fool of himself in his red and white riding dress, falling off ponies and into traps, but Dick feels drawn to him nevertheless. Romance is also blossoming between Angela and Jochen von Roth. Helped along by a thunderstorm and the cash of a horse buyer, everything resolves happily, with Jochen proposing to Angela and Ethelbert promising to write ever so often.
Boy Actors
Matthias Fuchs
Birthday: 03.11.1939
Day of death: 31.12.2001
Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
Birthday: 07.04.1939

Age of the actor:
approximately 16 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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