Серия: Just William
Оригинальное название: Just William
Spielfilm – Соединённое Королевство
Produktionsjahr: 1976
Just William
Краткое содержание:
William Brown is the story concentrate of an English boy. No matter what trouble his elders, and – worse – the insufferable »good girl« Violet Elizabeth Bott who manages to enforce her presence upon them, take to tell them what to do, when and where, William, his best friend Ginger and the whole gang of village rascals make sure the saying »boys will be boys« proves true every single mischievous time, even if it takes all their courage and lying ingenuity.
Мальчик Актеры
Adrian Dannatt
(William Brown)
День рождения: 29.08.1963

1 Серия
1 Серия
1 Серия
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