Немецкое название: Ein ganz normaler Held
Альтернативные варианты названия:
Hero – Accidental Hero
Familiendrama – USA
Производственный год: 1992
Продолжительность фильма: 117 минут
Краткое содержание:
Hero is the story of a not so nice man that performs an extra-ordinary act of courage. He rescues a crashed plane full of trapped passengers. And after he does, he disappears into the night, never to be seen again – that is until a T.V. station offers 1 million dollars for the man to come forward and identify himself. Someone else takes the credit through a funny series of events that should remain unsaid.
This film is a true treasure. It not only examines fragile human issues like family responsibility, love, our stigmas that we set upon heroes and morality, but it is a damn entertaining movie. It is also a tearjerker. Not many people gave this film a chance but now that it is out on video, check this one out. You will be glad you did.
Мальчик Актеры
Jordan Bond
(Richie Fletcher, Überlebender von Flug 104)
D’Angelo Fereri
(Junge im Hospital)
James Madio
(Joey Laplante, Bernies Sohn)
День рождения: 22.11.1975

Возраст актёра:
около 16 лет
Martin Schienle
(Allen Baird, Junge im Koma)
Dieser Film wurde von Heiner in die Filmliste eingetragen!
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