Я – Иван, ты – Абрам (Moi Ivan, toi Abraham / Ya – Ivan, Ty – Abram)
Английское название: Me Ivan, You Abraham / Ivan and Abraham
Немецкое название: Ivan und Abraham / Ich Iwan, du Abraham
Оригинальное название: Moi Ivan, toi Abraham / Ya – Ivan, Ty – Abram
Альтернативные варианты названия:
Moi Ivan, Toi Abraham / Ya – Ivan, Ty – Abram / Ich Ivan, du Abraham
Jugenddrama – Польша, Франция
Производственный год: 1993
Продолжительность фильма: 105 минут
Краткое содержание:
DVD von VHS In 1930s Poland, it was traditional for some Christian boys to live for a time with Jewish families in order to learn a trade from Jewish craftsmen. For this reason, Ivan has gone to live on a large estate with Abraham and his family, has learned Yiddish, and has become Abraham’s best friend. But the anti-Semitism born of poverty, ignorance, and superstition is fierce in this community of and the two boys run away into the countryside to flee an imminent conflict. Journeying together in a menacing environment, they reveal their innocence and inseparability.
Мальчик Актеры
Саша Яковлев
(Иван, 13 лет)
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