Série: The Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris
Titres allemand : Was geschah mit Adelaide Harris?
Titre d’original : The Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris
Comédie – Royaume-Uni
Produktionsjahr: 1978
Réalisateur : Paul Stone
Livre : Leon Garfield, Robin Miller
Caméra : Henry Farrar, Jack Curtis
Musique : Alan Roper
Was geschah mit Adelaide Harris?
Description du film :
Set in 19th century England the story starts with the »borrowing« of a newborn baby to see if the legend about wolves rearing it as their offspring is really true. Things become complicated when the baby is found by a passerby and they begin to care for it. The baby’s parents summon a private detective to investigate the disappearance and he is convinced it is a part of a much more sinister plot.
Garçons acteurs
Jim Harris
1 Part
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