Folge 16
The Ghost of Raven Jones (1)
Titre allemand : Böse Geister
Titre original : The Ghost of Raven Jones (1)
Série d’aventure – La Nouvelle-Zélande
Année de production : 1998
Durée du film : 29 minutes
Réalisateur : Declan Eames
Livre : Raymond Thompson, David Fox
Caméra : Wayne Vinten
Musique : Simon May
Böse Geister
Description du film :
Original-DVD Monsoon winds have destroyed the family’s crops and set their animals free. Tensions run high between family members now that they’re faced with the prospect of starting again and once more have to go hunting for food. Ernst in particular is angry with David for seeming to have given up on the daily ritual of lighting the beacon, in the hope of attracting rescue. He confronts his father and an angry scene ensues. Elizabeth confirms David’s growing realization that Ernst is simply coming of age and both pray that he receives guidance from the dear Lord as he struggles.
Garçons acteurs
Junior Chile
(Billy Cobb)
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