Der Seehund von Sanderoog
Titre original : Der Seehund von Sanderoog
Titres alternatifs :
Der Seehund von Sanderroog
Aventure animale – Allemagne
Année de production : 2006
Durée du film : 90 minutes
Réalisateur : Klaus Wirbitzky
Livre : Katja Kittendorf, Michael Holzinger
Caméra : Felix Cramer
Musique : Peter W. Schmitt
Der Seehund von Sanderoog
Description du film :
Milla and her mother move from Düsseldorf to Sanderoog, an island where both were born. For Milla it is one of many re-locations and she isn’t happy about her new home. But soon she makes new friends in Silke and Jan with whom she has to write an essay about seals. After a stormy night the three friends find a baby seal on the beach, which has been left alone by its mother. They take it into a breeding station in the hope that they might help. But as hard as they, try the little seal isn’t getting better. A local businessman is trying to close down the station to build a holiday camp. But the three friends get unexpected help by his son Henry who is against his fathers plans.
Garçons acteurs
Marvin Linke
(Henry Ehlers)
Anniversaire : 09.06.1992

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 14 ans
Année de naissance : 1993

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 13 ans
Plus d’informations
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