Instinct de survie (The New Daughter)
Titre espagnol : La otra hija
Titre grec : Τελευταία κραυγή
Titre russe : Проклятая
Titre original : The New Daughter
Titres alternatifs :
Teleftaia kravgi | Τελευταια κραυγη | Poseída
Thriller – États-Unis d’Amérique
Année de production : 2008
Durée du film : 108 minutes
Réalisateur : Luiso Berdejo
Livre : John Travis, John Connolly
Caméra : Checco Varese
Musique : Javier Navarrete
Instinct de survie
Description du film :
John James is a writer; his wife has left him. He moves with his two middle-school children to an isolated house off a dirt road in South Carolina. The property has an Indian burial mound, which fascinates his daughter, Louisa, who’s entering puberty. Strange things: noises on the roof and in the woods, the cat missing, Luisa sleepwalking clutching a straw doll no one’s seen before. She visits the mound often, staying late, coming home covered with mud. John’s younger son, Sam, is frightened. John learns the house has a history and seeks out the previous owner. Louisa’s behavior becomes more bizarre. Is there an explanation? An ant farm and a missing babysitter provide clues.
Garçons acteurs
Gattlin Griffith
(Sam James, 7 ans)
Année de naissance : 1998

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 10 ans
Plus d’informations
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