Guardian of the Ancient Shadow Crown
Titre allemand : The Shadows
Titre original : Guardian of the Ancient Shadow Crown
Titres alternatifs :
Guardian of the Ancient Shadow Crown | Guardians of the Crown
Fantasyfilm – L’Irlande
Année de production : 2011
Durée du film : 89 minutes
Réalisateur : Colin Downey
Livre : Colin Downey, George MacDonald
Caméra : Colin Downey
The Shadows
Description du film :
It tells the story of a nine year old boy, Matthew, who finds a key to a magical world at the bottom of his grandmother’s garden where he encounters the mystical Shadow people.

Matthew is a 9 year old boy who dreams of excitement and adventure. He is bored by school and often spends time alone lost in his thoughts and dreams. His mother Carol, worries that he has become a loner and fears that he will not make new friends when they move to the countryside to live with Matthew’s grandmother. Matthew loves his grandmother and finds his new home at the edge of the forest exciting and enchanting. He loves to explore the woods and finds mysteries and wonders everywhere. A strange spiral structure in his grandmother’s garden becomes a portal to a new world of excitement and danger where he meets new companions from the realm of Shadows and falls foul of a deadly witch who he must try to slay against all the odds.
Garçons acteurs
Lorcan Melia
(Matthew, 9 ans)
Année de naissance : 2001

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 10 ans
Plus d’informations
Ce film a été enregistré dans la liste des films par Ralf-S !
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