Folge 10, Staffel 1, Episode 10
Merry Thanksgiving
Alemania título: Der Truthahn und die Männlichkeit
Título original: Merry Thanksgiving
Sitcom – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2003
Duración: 22 minutos
Dirección: Jay Sandrich
Thanksgiving winds up being the least thankful day of the year for Charlie, who has to bribe various members of his household to even come to a traditional turkey dinner. Not only are the usual feuds in evidence (leading to a turkey-carving right out of »Psycho«) but Judith’s parents are actually sympathetic to Alan and hostile to their own daughter for her »fling« with lesbianism.
Chicos actores
Angus T. Jones
(Jake Harper)
Fecha de nacimiento: 08.10.1993

Edad del actor:
sobre 9 año
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