Folge 15
Captives (3)
Alemania título: Überraschung
Título original: Captives (3)
Abenteuerserie – Neuseeland
Año de producción: 1998
Duración: 29 minutos
Dirección: Declan Eames
Guionista: Raymond Thompson
Música: Simon May
Original-DVD As always, through Ernst’s narration and his diary we view life on the island though his eyes and realize that the Robinsons have been shipwrecked for approximately six months. The family celebrate their first harvest. All seems peaceful and idyllic, but while out hunting Joanna and Ernst discover animal spoor of a seemingly large ape like creature. David is keen to investigate, but Elizabeth is concerned for her family’s safety. Christina is captured by Ben and Parsons, who take her back to their island. When Parsons sees her black pearl, he becomes convinced that.
Chicos actores
Junior Chile
(Billy Cobb)
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