Rusia título: Робби
Título original: Robby
Drama – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 1968
Duración: 91 minutos
Dirección: Ralph C. Bluemke
DVD von VHS A National Geographic writer and his wife place their 8-year-old son, Robby, in a tiny lifeboat before perishing in stormy seas. After being washed up on the shore of a lush tropical island, Robby attempts to apply the knowledge of self-survival taught him by his nature-loving parents. He appears doomed despite his valiant efforts, until he spies a black boy his age, who was banished with his now-deceased mother to the island years before by a wrathful tribal chief. Terrified by the stranger, Robby remains guarded even after the boy saves him from drowning. Eventually, however, they become friends, and Robby names him Friday to commemorate the day they met. Robby soon discovers that the civilized ways he tries to teach Friday are not as practical as Friday’s ways. Together they enjoy many idyllic days and adventures until Horton Crandall, a drunken beachcomber, lands on their island in a battered little boat. The next day Crandall, a writer, recognizes Robby from newspaper photographs. He tells Robby that his wealthy aunt and uncle, Janet and Lloyd Woodruff, have offered a reward for information about the boy and takes Robby, and also Friday, back to the States in his leaky boat. Arriving at the aunt’s estate, Crandall speaks glowingly of the boys to the aunt, who assures him that the boys will be allowed to remain together. But when Robby’s uncle, a fortune hunter, arrives home and sees the situation, he persuades his wife to place Friday in an adoption agency. There, Lloyd Woodruff reasons, a black family can adopt him. Thus disposed of, Friday will no longer threaten the Woodruffs’ social standing. When a man from the orphanage comes for Friday, Robby desperately, but futilely, tries to prevent him from taking his friend. Perplexed as to why he and Friday cannot remain together, Robby tearfully watches as Friday is taken away.
Chicos actores
Warren Raum
(Robby, 8 año)
Fecha de nacimiento: 15.07.1958

Edad del actor:
sobre 10 año
Ryp Siani
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Nackt und frei im tief-blauen Meer!
Was eine Zeitverschwendung ... es sei denn, Sie sind zufällig Fan von kleinen Jungen, die die meiste Zeit im Adamskostüm auf einer tropischen Insel herumtollen. Fürchterlich gespielt und gefilmt, aber bevorzugt von Jungenfilmliebhabern. Chris Youngs Drehbuch ist tatsächlich besser als der Film. Die ursprüngliche Filmlänge lag bei über 85 Minuten, wurde aber auf Wunsch des kleinen Hauptdarstellers stark beschnitten.
Man kann natürlich nicht wissen, was die Intentionen der Filmemacher waren, aber die zeitweise Nacktheit der beiden Kinder wird in diesem Film wie die selbstverständlichste und natürlichste Sache der Welt gezeigt, jedes andere Verhalten der Kinder würde künstlich und unnatürlich wirken.
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