Destiny of a Man / Fate of a Man (Судьба человека)
Alemania título: Ein Menschenschicksal
Francés título: Le destin d’un homme
Rusia título: Судьба человека
Título original: Sudba cheloveka
Título alternativas:
Sudba tscheloweka
Kriegsdrama – UdSSR
Año de producción: 1959
Duración: 95 minutos
Ein Menschenschicksal
Original-DVD Andrei Sokolov, the film’s protagonist, had lost in the war with fascist Germany his wife and children, had survived the horrors of a concentration camp. He was already being led to be shot, but at the last minute the camp’s commandant, Muller, revoked the sentence. After his release from the camp, Andrei Sokolov marched with the Soviet Army as far as Berlin. But Fate would not stop testing him: on Victory Day he got the news of his son Anatoly’s death. And in spite of the fact that he seemed to have lost everything, he remained a good human being and became a father to an orphaned boy. A screen adaptation of the story of the same name by Soviet writer Mikhail Sholokhov, a Nobel Prize winner. The great Russian director and actor Sergei Bondarchuk played the leading character in his own film, which was to become a hymn to human spirit and faith in life.
Chicos actores
Pawlik Boriskin
(Wanja / Wanjuschka)
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