La mosca (The Fly)
Alemania título: Die Fliege
Francés título: La mouche noire
Griego título: Η μύγα
Rusia título: Муха
Título original: The Fly
Título alternativas:
I myiga / I myga
Science-Fiction-Film – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 1958
Duración: 94 minutos
Dirección: Kurt Neumann
La mosca
Scientist Andre Delambre becomes obsessed with his latest creation, a matter transporter. He has varying degrees of success with it. He eventually decides to use a human subject, himself, with tragic consequences. During the transferance, his atoms become merged with a fly, which was accidentally let into the machine. He winds up with the fly’s head and one of it’s arms and the fly winds up with Andre’s head and arm. Eventually, Andre’s wife, Helene discovers his secret and must make a decision whether to let him continue to live like that or to do the unthinkable and euthanize him to end his suffering.
Chicos actores
Charles Herbert
(Philippe Delambre, 9 año)
Fecha de nacimiento: 23.12.1948

Edad del actor:
sobre 9 año
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Kommentare zum Film
Charles Herbert ist nur in wenigen Szenen für wenige Minuten zu sehen.
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