Little Red Riding-Hood (Rotkäppchen)
Rusia título: Красная Шапочка
Título original: Rotkäppchen
Título alternativas:
Red Cap
Märchenfilm – DDR
Año de producción: 1962
Duración: 70 minutos
Dirección: Götz Friedrich
Guionista: Hans Rodenberg, Gebrüder Grimm
Fotografía: Helmut Bergmann
Música: Gerhard Wohlgemuth
Original-Blu-Ray Once upon a time there was a little girl named Rotkäppchen. She lived with her father and mother at the edge of a village, and often visited her grandmother on the other side of the woods. Her rabbit friend, Häschen, lives with Grandmother and was sent one day to fetch medicine and milk from Rotkäppchen and her mother. Although her mother was reluctant to allow her to visit Grandmother alone, Rotkäppchen convinces her that she will be safe with Häschen. Together they set out through the woods. Unfortunately, there were many distractions in the woods: mushrooms to pick and Rotkäppchen’s other playmate, the bear. There are also the dangerous fox and wolf, who plotted to capture Rotkaeppchen and eat her. Häschen did his best to keep them safe, but he could not prevent the wolf from eating Grandmother ... and also Rotkäppchen! Who will save them?
The DEFA version of »Rotkäppchen« differs from the Grimms’ version in some minor areas: the mother plays a greater role in the film; DEFA has the father save the day, rather than the huntsman; the wolf does not die at the end, though he is carried away by the family; the second encounter with the wolf at the end of the original tale is left out; and a few animal characters are added (Häschen, Bär, and Eichhörnchen). All the animals (other than the Eichhörnchen) are played by people in animal costumes, and Häschen was the big hit with critics and viewers alike. Since its release, »Rotkäppchen« has become one of the most popular DEFA fairy tale films.
Chicos actores
Jochen Bley
Año de nacimiento: 1952

Edad del actor:
sobre 10 año
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