Mi segunda vez (The Rebound)
Alemania título: Lieber verliebt
Francés título: Mon babysitter
Rusia título: Нянька по вызову
Título original: The Rebound
Título alternativas:
Amante accidental | Untitled Bart Freundlich Project
Komödie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2008
Duración: 97 minutos
Dirección: Bart Freundlich
Guionista: Bart Freundlich
Fotografía: Jonathan Freeman
Música: Clint Mansell
Mi segunda vez
Sandy, upon discovering her husband’s infidelity while watching her son’s birthday video, leaves the suburbs and moves into the city. She gets an apartment that’s above a coffee house where she befriends one of the workers, Aram, a guy whose wife only married him so she could get a green card. Aram’s family thinks he’s wasting his life and education by working in the coffee house. Soon after moving into the apartment, Sandy hires Aram to be her nanny while she takes on work for the first time since her children where born. It isn’t long when Aram and Sandy find they get along wonderfully and start to date. But the question is: is their relationship real or is it, in fact, just a rebound for both of them?
Chicos actores
Andrew Cherry
(Frank Jr., 7 año)
Jake Cherry
(Frank Jr., 13 año)
Fecha de nacimiento: 15.09.1996

Edad del actor:
sobre 11 año
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