Folge 6
Die Piraten (Sjörövarna)
Original title: Sjörövarna
Child series – Schweden
Production year: 1963
Movie length: 25 minutes
Writer: Astrid Lindgren,
Die Piraten
Movie description:
Original-DVD Söderman urges Nisse Grankvist to report to the police that some thieves are stealing fishing-nets from the fishermen. Johan, Niklas, Teddy and Freddy go on a boat-trip to Kattskär, an island far out in the outskirt of the archipelago, where they are going to stay overnight in a cottage. The island is uninhabited, but there are some cottages, which are used occasionally by fishermen. The four young friends think they are alone on the island. They don’t know that the thieves, Berra and Elis, are using the island as their hiding-place.
Boy Actors
Björn Söderbäck
(Johan Melkersson, 12 years old)
Birthday: 28.09.1951

Age of the actor:
approximately 11 years old
Urban Strand
(Niklas Melkersson, 13 years old)
Birthday: 30.06.1950

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Stephen Lindholm
(Pelle Melkersson, 9 years old)
Birthday: 27.12.1954

Age of the actor:
approximately 8 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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