Ein himmlischer Freund (Vom Himmel hoch)
Original title: Vom Himmel hoch
Comedy – Austria, Germany
Production year: 2003
Movie length: 90 minutes
Director: Karsten Wichniarz
Writer: Rolf-René Schneider
Ein himmlischer Freund
Movie description:
DVD vom Fernsehen Around christmas time, the angel Johannes falls out of a fresco and gets the task to to do a good deed until christmas for getting his wings back. He met Julian whose father died recently and who is so badly injured that he isn’t able to walk. He tries to give back the zest for life to the boy who is very depressed.
Boy Actors
Marian Lösch
(Julian Kaiser, 11 years old)
Birthday: 01.01.1990

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
More informations
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