I Remember (Eu Me Lembro)
Francaise title: Je me Souviens
Russian title: Я помню
Original title: Eu Me Lembro
Alternative titles:
Я вспоминаю
Drama – Brazil
Production year: 2005
Movie length: 108 minutes
Director: Edgar Navarro
Writer: Edgar Navarro
Cinematograph: Hamilton Oliveira
Music: Tuzé de Abreu, Edgard Navarro
I Remember
Movie description:
DVD-Kopie The memories of Guiga, from early childhood to young adulthood: his family, relatives, friends, fears, dreams and reality in a still provincial city of Salvador, Bahia, from the 50s to the 70s.

Set in the 1960s/1970s. Semi-autobiographical film following the life of Guiga from childhood in rural Salvador to adulthood, coming to terms with the death of his mother and experiencing life on a hippie commune.
Boy Actors
Dantlen Melo
(Guiga, 6 years old)
Victor Porfírio
(Guiga, 11 years old)
William Santos
(junger Zeca)
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