Race Against Time
German title: Allein gegen den Tod / Wettlauf gegen den Tod
Francaise title: L’homme traqué / La révolte d’un homme traqué
Russian title: Погоня за временем
Original title: Race Against Time
Alternative titles:
Race Against Time
Thriller – Canada, USA
Production year: 2000
Movie length: 87 minutes
Movie description:
When a man faces surmounting bills for his dying son’s hospital stay, he enters into an agreement to sell his body for organ transplants to pay the bills. However, when he is advised that the doctors want to claim his organs immediately, he goes on the run.
Boy Actors
Daniel Magder
(Bobby Gabriel)
Birthday: 12.12.1991

Age of the actor:
approximately 8 years old
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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