Pinky and the Million Dollar Pug (Pinky oder Wer hat den Mops geklaut)
German title: Pinky und der Millionenmops
Francaise title: Pinky und der Millionenmops
Original title: Pinky oder Wer hat den Mops geklaut
Alternative titles:
Pinky, oder Wer hat den Mops geklaut
Child crime – Germany
Production year: 2000
Movie length: 90 minutes
Pinky and the Million Dollar Pug
Movie description:
Pinky, a child detective, solves two cases for multi-millionaire Jonathan Morgan.
Boy Actors
Jaime Krsto
(Pinky, 11 years old)
Birthday: 09.09.1989

Age of the actor:
approximately 10 years old
Year of birth: 1989

Age of the actor:
approximately 11 years old
Year of birth: 1993

Age of the actor:
approximately 6 years old
Year of birth: 1993

Age of the actor:
approximately 6 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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