Die Gerechten von Kummerow
Original title: Die Gerechten von Kummerow
Literature movie – GDR
Production year: 1981
Movie length: 90 minutes
Director: Wolfgang Luderer
Writer: Ehm Welk, Konrad Reich, Gerd Gericke
Cinematograph: Hans-Jürgen Sasse (Jürgen Sasse)
Music: Helmut Nier
Die Gerechten von Kummerow
Movie description:
Original-Blu-Ray The movie based on one of two novels by the famous german writer Ehm Welk »Die Gerechten von Kummerow«. In this novel he describe the live of (mainly) the children of Kummerow, a little village in Germany in early 20th century. Krischan, the shepard and friend to all children is banned from Kummerow because he had no identity papers. The two friends Martin and Johannes, who like him very much follow him and try to bring him back home.
Boy Actors
Jan Rohde
(Martin Grambauer)
Mario Herrmann
(Johannes Bärensprung)
Martin Hoefs
(Hermann Wendland)
Mario Bielke
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