The Clown (Ansichten eines Clowns)
Spain title: Opiniones de un payaso
Original title: Ansichten eines Clowns
Alternative titles:
Heinrich Böll – Ansichten eines Clowns
Literature movie – Germany
Production year: 1975
Movie length: 111 minutes
Director: Vojtech Jasny
Writer: Vojtech Jasny, Heinrich Böll
Cinematograph: Walter Lassally
Music: Eberhard Schoener
The Clown
Movie description:
Thirty-year-old Hans Schnier still remembers the appalling moral standards of the Nazi regime from his youth. Unfortunately, he detects the same evil trends in post-war Germany. He therefore prefers playing the role of the honest clown rather than adapting himself to a rotten society.
Boy Actors
Heinrich von Busch
(young Leo Schnier)
Wolfram Koch
(young Hans Schnier)
Year of birth: 1962

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Andrass into the movie list!
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