Burg Schreckenstein
Original title: Burg Schreckenstein
Youth movie – Germany
Production year: 2015
Movie length: 95 minutes
Director: Ralf Huettner
Writer: Oliver Hassencamp, Simon Hauschild, Christian Limmer
Cinematograph: Armin Dierolf
Music: Stevie Be-Zet, Ralf Hildenbeutel
Burg Schreckenstein
Movie description:
Original-Blu-Ray Eleven-year-old outsider Stephan arrives at Castle Schreckenstein, an all-boys boarding school, where he learns about life within a community and soon finds himself being part of a funny »pranks-competition« the boys are currently fighting against the neighboring girls of Castle Rosenfels. When the girls have no choice but to move to Schreckenstein after a failed prank, life at school is suddenly nothing like it used to be ...
Boy Actors
Maurizio Magno
(Stephan, 11 years old)
Birthday: 14.09.2003

Age of the actor:
approximately 11 years old
Chieloka Nwokolo
Year of birth: 2004

Age of the actor:
approximately 11 years old
Eloi Christ
Year of birth: 2002

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
More informations
Kommentare zum Film
Dieser Film ist so was von langweilig und die Späße sind ausgesprochen gar nicht witzig. Da kommt der Film »Immer Ärger mit den Paukern« mit mehr Humor rüber, obwohl der Gesang von Roy Black zuweilen einem den Nerv raubt.
Da kann ich nur zustimmen, doll ist dieser Film wirklich nicht.
This film was registered by Ralf-S into the movie list!
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