On Strike For Christmas
German title: Der Weihnachtsstreik
Francaise title: La grève de noël
Russian title: Бастовать на Рождество
Original title: On Strike For Christmas
Comedy – USA, Canada
Production year: 2010
Movie length: 87 minutes
Director: Robert Iscove
Writer: Jim Head, Sheila Roberts
Cinematograph: C. Kim Miles
Music: Gary Koftinoff
On Strike For Christmas
Movie description:
Joy Robertson goes »on strike for Christmas« because her husband and sons are wrapped up in their own pursuits and providing no help whatsoever with the many Christmas preparations.
Boy Actors
Eli Brooks
(Jeremy Robertson, 10 years old)
Jayden Burt
(Jeremy Robertson, 6 years old)
Nicholas Camacho
(Mark Robertson, 14 years old)
Jake Hoffman
(Jeremy Robertson, 14 years old)
Ben Mitchell
(Mark Robertson, 10 years old)
Marcel Parrouty
(Mark Robertson, 6 years old)
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