Der gelbe Junge (The Boy Who Turned Yellow)
Russischer Titel: Мальчик, который стал жёлтым
Originaltitel: The Boy Who Turned Yellow
Alternative Titelvarianten:
The Children’s Film Foundation Collection
Abenteuerfilm – Vereinigtes Königreich
Produktionsjahr: 1972
Filmlänge: 55 Minuten
Regie: Michael Powell
Buch: Emeric Pressburger
Kamera: Christopher Challis
Musik: Patrick Gowers, David Vorhaus
Der gelbe Junge
Original-DVD John and his class go on a school trip to the Tower of London. While he is there he loses his pet mouse and vows to return and find her later. Back in school, he is not very attentive and falls asleep during a lesson about electricity so his teacher sends him home. On the ’tube’ there is a sudden flash, and John, the train and all of the passengers turn yellow. With the help of Nick (short for ’Electronic’) John learns about electricity, invades the Tower of London and saves his pet mouse ... or was it a dream.
Darsteller der Jungenrollen
Mark Dightam
(John Saunders)
Geburtstag: 18.08.1959

Alter des Darstellers:
ungefähr 12 Jahre
Lem Kitaj
Geburtsjahr: 1959

Alter des Darstellers:
ungefähr 13 Jahre
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