Carrie’s War
Russischer Titel: Война Кэрри
Originaltitel: Carrie’s War
Alternative Titelvarianten:
Masterpiece Theatre: Carrie’s War
Familiendrama – Vereinigtes Königreich
Produktionsjahr: 2003
Filmlänge: 90 Minuten
Regie: Coky Giedroyc
Buch: Nina Bawden, Michael Crompton
Kamera: Julian Court
Musik: Nick Bicât
Carrie’s War
At the start of World War II, 14-year-old Carrie and her younger brother Nick are separated from their mother and evacuated from war-torn London to a rural village in Wales. Upon their arrival, they are assigned to live with a troubled family – the puritanical shopkeeper Mister Evans, a widower, and his spinster sister, a timid woman named Lou. While Lou is thrilled to lavish attention on the children, Mr. Evans remains cold and distant. But Carrie and Nick’s fortunes take a turn for the better when they’re sent to fetch a Christmas goose from mysterious Druid’s Bottom – a manor house occupied by a self-professed witch named Hepzibah and Mister Evans’s ethereal, estranged sister, Mistress Gotobed.
Darsteller der Jungenrollen
Jack Stanley
(Nick Willow)
Geburtstag: 05.06.1991

Alter des Darstellers:
ungefähr 12 Jahre
Eddie Cooper
(Albert Sandwich)
Geburtstag: 21.02.1987

Alter des Darstellers:
ungefähr 16 Jahre
Sam Friend
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