Серия: Сердце
Английское название: Heart
Французское название: Les belles années
Испанскийназвание: Corazón
Оригинальное название: Cuore
Альтернативные варианты названия:
Cuore : Echoes of the heart | Corazón: Diario de un niño
Драма – Italien, Франция
Produktionsjahr: 1984
Режиссура: Luigi Comencini
Сценарист: Suso Cecchi D’Amico, Cristina Comencini, Luigi Comencini, Edmondo De Amicis
Оператор: Luigi Kuveiller
Композитор: Manuel de Sica
Краткое содержание:
A whole year of school in the life of Enrico, a young boy from the Italian bourgeoisie. He meets his new schoolteacher, Mister Perboni, a very devoted man, children from working classes such as Garrone, a boy with a heart of gold, Derossi, the top of the class, Franti, the young rebel – But will the moral they are taught be still so noble when they become soldiers in WW1?

Life before the turn of the 20th century. Four soldiers meet in the army and reminisce about their childhoods in a bygone era, and these are the scenes that unfold for the majority of the next two hours. The men have been privileged to have had good teachers in school, and while their home lives differed and in some cases were difficult, nothing really stopped them from going on to a well-adjusted adult life. As 19th-century attitudes are painted in clear strokes, viewers may still wonder if life was quite as ideal as these vignettes would indicate.
Мальчик Актеры
Frederico Belisario
(Umberto Coretti)
6 серий
Carlo Calenda
(Enrico Bottini)
День рождения: 09.04.1973

6 серий
6 серий
Gianluca Galle
(Antonio Franti)
6 серий
Margo Marrone
(Pietro Precossi)
6 серий
Ivan Sebastiani
(Ernesto Derossi)
6 серий
Elio Sonnino
(Luigi Crossi)
6 серий
Harry Tagliavini
(Antonio Rabucco »Muratorino«)
6 серий
Emiliano Vinciarelli
(Amadeo Stardi)
6 серий
Mattia Daró
(Carlo Nobis)
Год рождения: 1973

6 серий
6 серий
Salvatore Donato
(kalabrischer Schüler Coraci)
2 серии
Matteo Pellarin
(junger sardischer Trommler)
1 Серия
Dario Ceccuti
(Giulio, der Florentiner Schreiber)
1 Серия
1 Серия
1 Серия
Daniele Gerlini
(junger Schornsteinfeger)
1 Серия
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