Les anges frappent et courent (Angels in the Outfield)
Titre allemand : Angels – Engel gibt es wirklich
Titre russe : Ангелы у кромки поля
Titre original : Angels in the Outfield
Titres alternatifs :
Comédie de jeunesse – États-Unis d’Amérique
Année de production : 1993
Durée du film : 103 minutes
Réalisateur : William Dear
Les anges frappent et courent
Description du film :
The California Angels are currently the worst team in their division. It seems that the players have a little trouble with their teamwork. Manager George Knox would like nothing better than to dump all of them, which the owner says is impossible. Roger is a boy whose mother died and is currently living in a foster home. His father feels that it would probably be in Roger’s best interest if he becomes a ward of the state. But Roger would rather that he and his father get back together, and when he asks his father if that is possible; his father’s reply is »when the Angels win the pennant«. Roger then prays and asks if they could help the team. When Roger goes to a game, he sees some Angels come down from the sky and they help the players make some astounding catches and hits. When Roger tells Mr. Knox about it, Mr. Knox decides to keep him at every game, and it seems that Mr. Knox’s faith is put to the test cause it seems that the angel are going to help if uses his worst players, but it seems to be working.
Garçons acteurs
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
(Roger Bomman, 11 ans)
Anniversaire : 17.02.1981

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 12 ans
Seth Smith
(Bubble Boy)
Année de naissance : 1982

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 11 ans
Plus d’informations
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