So viel Zeit
Rusia título: Полно времени
Título original: So viel Zeit
Tragikomödie – Alemania
Año de producción: 2017
Duración: 100 minutos
Dirección: Philipp Kadelbach
Guionista: Stefan Kolditz, Frank Goosen (Roman)
Fotografía: Thomas Dirnhofer
Música: Michael Kadelbach
So viel Zeit
Every day counts. What sounds like a hackneyed calendar phrase involuntarily becomes the motto of life for the music teacher Rainer. A brain tumor eats its way through the head of the mid-fifties and at best gives him another year. The inventory of his existence so far is not very intoxicating: with his ex-wife Brigitte there is no turning back, for his son Daniel he is anything but a good dad and only his worn-out guitar reminds of the childhood dream of a rock career. That his band »Bochums Steine« didn’t make it 30 years ago was mainly due to Rainer and his ego. Now he would like to round up the boys again – for a farewell or a belated breakthrough? Who knows. At the concert organizer Steffi he runs into open doors with his revival idea. The drummer Bulle, bassist Konni and keyboardist Thomas – all between a middle-class existence and an age-related life crisis – join in after initial hesitation. To get the singer Ole back on board, however, Rainer has to jump over his shadow – and...
Chicos actores
Año de nacimiento: 2006

Edad del actor:
sobre 11 año
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