There Are No Robbers in the Forest (Ingen rövare finns i skogen)
German title: Im Wald sind keine Räuber
Russian title: Нет в лесу никаких разбойников
Original title: Ingen rövare finns i skogen
Alternative titles:
Нет разбойников в чащобе
Short movie – Sweden
Production year: 1988
Movie length: 28 minutes
Director: Göran Carmback
Writer: Astrid Lindgren,
Cinematograph: Jens Fischer
Music: Björn Isfält
There Are No Robbers in the Forest
Movie description:
Original-DVD In this story, Peter, a young boy, shrinks in an imperceptible flash to a size in which his mother’s doll’s house becomes a pleasant home, and her old doll a fearless girl companion who defies a band of robbers lurking in the dark forest just outside the doll house window. Penny beads become pearl necklaces and the robbers are quickly foiled in their attempt to steal them, by Peter’s courage and the comic clever deception of Mimmi, his mother’s childhood doll.
Boy Actors
Birthday: 20.04.1979

Age of the actor:
approximately 9 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Franz-Josef into the movie list!
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