Knerten und die Seeschlange (Knerten og sjøormen)
Original title: Knerten og sjøormen
Child movie – Norway
Production year: 2019
Movie length: 71 minutes
Director: Tove Undheim
Writer: Tove Undheim, Aksel Kielland, Lars Kilevold, Anne-Cath Vestly
Cinematograph: Lukasz Zamaro
Music: Erik Johannessen, Erlend Mokkelbost
Knerten und die Seeschlange
Movie description:
The fifth movie about the wooden pin Knerten, who this time is going on holiday to a lake where there’s seen a sea monster.
Boy Actors
Filip Mathias Eide
(Lillebror, 7 years old)
More informations
This film was registered by Ralf-S into the movie list!
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