Jenseits des Spiegels
Russian title: По ту сторону зеркала
Original title: Jenseits des Spiegels
Horror movie – Germany
Production year: 2017
Movie length: 90 minutes
Director: Nils Loof
Writer: Ingo Lechner, Jens Pantring
Cinematograph: Marius von Felbert
Music: Pit Przygodda
Jenseits des Spiegels
Movie description:
Julia moves with her family to a remote farm in northern Germany, where her sister Jette had committed suicide last year. She hopes to make peace with the past by returning to that contaminated place. But then weird things happen that make Julia doubt her mental sanity.
Boy Actors
Year of birth: 2005

Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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