Marie Brand – The Charm of Evil (Marie Brand und der Charme des Bösen)
Original title: Marie Brand und der Charme des Bösen
Alternative titles:
Marie kann zaubern – Der weiße Raum
Crime movie – Germany
Production year: 2008
Movie length: 89 minutes
Director: Christoph Schnee
Writer: Alexander Adolph, Eva Wehrum
Cinematograph: Diethard Prengel
Music: Dieter Schleip
Marie Brand – The Charm of Evil
Movie description:
A woman is killed when a car explodes, was she the target? Marie & Simmel investigate but their progress is thwarted every step of the way.
Boy Actors
Eric Ventker
(Johann Tilmann)
Birthday: 19.11.1995

Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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