A Christmas Tale (Sagan om Karl-Bertil Jonssons julafton)
German title: Das wundersame Weihnachtsfest des Karl-Bertil Jonsson
Russian title: Волшебная сказка на Рождество
Original title: Sagan om Karl-Bertil Jonssons julafton
Christmas movie – Sweden
Production year: 2021
Movie length: 104 minutes
Director: Hannes Holm
Writer: Tage Danielsson, Michael Hjorth, Hannes Holm, Johan Kindblom, Tomas Tivemark
Cinematograph: Göran Hallberg
Music: Gaute Storaas
Movie description:
A tale of a boy from a wealthy family who during his work at the post office steals Christmas gifts from the wealthy to give to the poor people of Stockholm.Boy Actors
Simon Larson(Karl-Bertil Jonsson)
Year of birth: 2006
Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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