Little Man on Top (Kleiner Mann – ganz groß)
Original title: Kleiner Mann – ganz groß
Alternative titles:
Kleiner Mann – ganz gross
Drama – FRG
Production year: 1956
Movie length: 95 minutes
Director: Hans Grimm
Writer: Ilse Lotz-Dupont, Franz Seitz
Cinematograph: Heinz Schnackertz
Music: Lothar Brühne
Little Man on Top
Movie description:
DVD vom Fernsehen His grandpa gives the orphan boy Robby a foal that they call Little Brother. The boy loves the animal and wants to train it as a racing horse – but then his grandpa dies. Robby’s sister isn’t old enough to care for themselves, so they get a guardian who decides to sell all the horses. Robbie hides his Little Brother at a farm, but it’s hard for him to come up with the rent regularly.
Boy Actors
Oliver Grimm
(Robby Brauns, 7 years old)
Birthday: 03.04.1948
Day of death: 10.10.2017
Age of the actor:
approximately 8 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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