Menino da Calça Branca (Der Junge in der weißen Hose) (Menino da Calça Branca)
Original title: Menino da Calça Branca
Alternative titles:
Menino da Calca Branca
Short movie – Brazil
Production year: 1961
Movie length: 21 minutes
Director: Sérgio Ricardo
Writer: Sérgio Ricardo
Cinematograph: Dib Lutfi, Ruy Santos, Víctor Santos
Music: Sérgio Ricardo
Menino da Calça Branca (Der Junge in der weißen Hose)
Movie description:
DVD von VHS A favelado boy realizes his dream by winning a white trousers at Christmas. Dressed with her goes out the ways of the hill. Carefully do not dirty it avoid joking with fellows and seek the asphalt to move by keeping it clean. It mimics the adults dressed in white, feeling the same. When watching a street match, the ball, falling in a puddle spreads mud on his present. He runs back into the arms of his habitat, reintegrated to his people.
Boy Actors
Zezinho Gama
(the boy)
More informations
This film was registered by Franz-Josef into the movie list!
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